Live Debate Arena Agenda


Agendas are subject to change

11:00 - 11:30
Delivering Effective Social Value
Darren Knowd


Darren Knowd Ltd

Lorraine Cox

Director of STAR Procurement

Chair of the National Social Value Taskforce

Isabelle Parasram OBE


The Institute for Social Value

Dan Ebanks

Co-Founder & CEO

Social Value Exchange

Laura Savage

Director of Partner and Social Value Services

People Plus

12:00 - 12:30
What does AI Mean for the Future of Public Procurement?
Gavin Freeguard

Freelance Consultant

Gavin Freeguard

Philip Orumwense

Commercial Director and Chief Technology Procurement Officer

Crown Commercial Service

Andrew de Whalley

Senior Manager


Amardeep Gill


Trowers & Hamlin

13:00 - 13:30
How can Suppliers Maximise the Benefit of the New Flexibility in the Procurement Act
Martin Traynor OBE

Non Executive Chair

Institute of Hospitality

Shirley Cooper OBE

Small Business Crown Representative

Cabinet Office

Lorraine Cox

Director of STAR Procurement

Chair of the National Social Value Taskforce

Deborah Wilkie

Director - Civil Cartel Enforcement

Competition and Markets Authority

Shamayne Harris

Head of Procurement


14:00 - 14:30
Procurement as a Force to Drive Innovation in Organisational Strategy
Dharvinder Johal

Market Partner

Capita Procurement Solutions

Shirley Cooper OBE

Small Business Crown Representative

Cabinet Office

Kavita Cooper

Chief Executive Officer

Novo-K Procurement Solutions

Kate Greenbank

Deputy Director - Complex Transactions Team

Cabinet Office

15:00 - 15:30
What New Skills will Public Sector Buyers Need to Thrive in the Future?
Emma O’Dell

Skills and Capability Planning Director

BPP Education Group

Ian Schollar

Head of CIPS Study Centre


Carl Thomas

Procurement Reform Stakeholder & Policy Lead

Welsh Government

Carolyn Bayley

Head of Bid Management

BPP Education Group